Authentication Impacket

Relaying Everything: Coercing Authentications Episode 1 – MSSQL

A new PR merged: MSSQL and the xp_dirtree procedure. You know the rest. Let’s talk about NTLM authentication coercion methods using Impacket.

Authentication Impacket

We love relaying credentials: A technical guide to relaying credentials everywhere

NTLM relay is a well-known technique that has been with us for many years and never seems to go away. In this article you’ll find a technical guide on how to relaying credentials everywhere in 2022.

Authentication Impacket

One SMB connection multiple relays

The NTLM relay attack is a well-known attack method that has been around for many years… and never seems to go away. So, why not explore new approaches to this attack technique? Let me introduce you to the SMB multi-relay feature.