
We’re back!

The Impacket project has found a new home at Fortra 🥳. Let’s take Impacket to the next level.

Impacket is back

As I mentioned some time ago, the Impacket project has found a new home at Fortra 🥳. I’m really excited to start working with the team and we’re looking forward to taking Impacket to the next level 🚀🌕.

Check the new home of the repo.

We ❤️ your support

As many of you may have noticed, the project has been on hold for several months. However, during all that time we have received a lot of PRs with new cool features, fixes and much more. The community around this project is awesome!

I want to thank each one of you for their support and contributions over the years. Without you, Impacket wouldn’t be where it is today.

Suggestions are welcome

We have a lot of work to do. So many open PRs and Issues to solve… We’ll start working ASAP on what we consider most important, but we also want to hear your opinion.

What PR or new feature would you like to see added? What issue do you consider critical? Any suggestion is more than welcome. I’m taking note.

I’m thrilled to see where this new chapter takes us.

As allways, happy hacking!

¡Hasta la vista baby!

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